What to Expect on Sunday Morning

All are welcome to join us as we meet together to worship, pray, and hear God’s word. Our services are reverent and dignified (but with plenty of baby noises—children are always welcome!). Some people dress more formally, and some dress more casually.


We meet in the historic church building of St. Paul’s Memorial, built in 1901 and located at 1001 W. Colfax Ave., a few blocks from downtown South Bend. There is parking in the church parking lot, and also on Colfax Avenue and La Porte Avenue. You can enter the church from the front doors, the side door, or the back door by the parking lot.

A greeter or usher will help you get what you need from the entry table (including a service booklet and hymnal). Plan to arrive a few minutes before the service begins at 9 am, and there will be an organ prelude.

The Service

The service is either Morning Prayer or Holy Communion, and lasts about 75 minutes. Each service has a sermon by our rector, the Rev. Steven Wedgeworth, typically 20-25 minutes. Our hymns and Anglican chants are accompanied by our organist, Michael LeGrand. We encourage you to kneel during the prayers, if you’re able to (kneelers are provided at the entry table).

We read a lot of Scripture in our services, especially on Morning Prayer Sundays. You can learn more about the Bible readings in our service here. The services are from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, which you can learn more about here.

If you are used to a nondenominational service with a praise band and a pastor in jeans, the service will seem formal and “high church.” The spoken words are almost all from the prayer book or the Bible. The music is traditional. The minister wears a cassock and surplice, and faces the east when saying the creed. But if you are used to a Catholic mass, this will seem “low church.” You won’t find bells, incense, processions, and lots of candles. In other words, it’s not high or low, but just classic Anglican worship that is reverent, simple, and beautiful.


We love to have children join us for worship. Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14). At the back of the nave is a “Sermon Activity Basket” with activities to keep little hands active. And there is plenty of room at the back or side of the nave for walking little ones. If desired, our nursery downstairs offers a safe and nurturing environment for children ages 1 through 3.

Immediately after the service, downstairs in the Social Hall, there are snacks and drinks, as well as Legos to play with.

At 10:40 (about twenty minutes after the service), our Sunday morning catechesis for children and teens is held shortly downstairs in rooms adjoining the Social Hall. There are two classes. In the class for younger children (roughly 4-10), the lesson is usually about the gospel or one of the other readings for the day, along with Scripture memory and discussion of the collect of the day. The class for older children and teens (roughly 11-18) is usually taught by Pastor Steven, and in 2023 and 2024 it has worked through the prayer book catechism, a survey of the Old Testament, and the Litany.

Holy Communion

Services of Holy Communion are held about twice a month. In the Anglican tradition, the Lord’s Supper is "a sign of the love that Christians ought to have among themselves" (Article 28). But it is more than that. It is "a sacrament of our redemption by Christ’s death" – which means that to everyone who "rightly, worthily, and with faith" receives these elements of bread and wine, "the bread which we break is a partaking of the body of Christ, and likewise the cup of blessing is a partaking of the blood of Christ" (Article 28; 1 Corinthians 10:16).

The Apostle Paul exhorts us to come to this feast prepared (1 Corinthians 11:27-34). Preparation for communion is explained in the catechism in the Book of Common Prayer (page 306). Q: "What is required of those who come to the Lord’s supper?" A: "To examine themselves – whether they truly repent of their former sins, steadfastly purposing to lead a new life; have a lively faith in God’s mercy through Christ, with a thankful remembrance of his death; and are in charity with all men."

If you are from another church, and have been baptized and are admitted to communion in that church, you are invited to the Lord’s Table.

To receive, please come forward at the indicated time and kneel at the communion rail (if you are able). We partake of the wine from a common cup, following the example of our Lord and St. Paul (Luke 22:20; 1 Corinthians 10:16). The use of a common cup has been the Anglican custom for more than four centuries, and there is no reason to think it poses any danger. When receiving communion, please eat the bread and drink the wine; please do not dip the bread in the cup. Note that gluten-free bread is available upon request (just ask while kneeling at the communion rail).

After the Service

We are a warm and friendly congregation, and we invite you to remain afterwards for conversations and refreshments downstairs in the Social Hall. At 10:40 am, our catechesis classes start: there is a class for younger children (roughly 4-10), a class for older children and teens (roughly 11-16), and a class for adults.

If you would like to learn more about our church, or would like to be added to the weekly email with announcements called the Parish Paper, please fill out one of the “Connect @ Christ Church” cards on the entry table or contact us.